Hypothyroidism Revolution Review - Beginning of menstruation is also quite normal

Typically, menstrual blood is bright red, or a bit darker, to a specific smell and it is not folded, usually. If you sometimes find in menstrual blood clots, secretions (e) panic.

A similar phenomenon may occur due to the fact that with the abundance of selections fail enzymes and blood, so to speak “unprocessed”, it accumulates and collapses in the vagina Hypothyroidism Revolution Review

Blood clots are characteristic for women who have uterine coils. In this case, the clots are the “pieces” of a fertilized egg, not as a “refuge” in the uterus and menstrual blood symptom. The so-called blood “spotting”, at the end and the beginning of menstruation is also quite normal, but last longer than two days, it should not. If this is too long after menstruation,

it can talk about the different kinds of gynaecological diseases (cysts, polyps, etc.). Then you must see a doctor-gynaecologist and screening. MONTHLY ‘ PAIN - Whether monthly it is painful?

This natural process in a woman’s body is different, quite inexplicable phenomena. For example, hormonal changes that occur during menstruation, affect the whole body. Therefore, it swells the breasts, feeling tension in the body. Some women feel weakness, tiredness, irritability; the other appears chills or fever, breathing and pulse quickens; the third pulls the underbelly or the aching loins; the fourth there is heaviness in the legs. All this is quite normal symptoms of premenstrual syndrome experienced by women.


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WHEN THE FIRST MENSTRUATION? First menstruation doesn’t mean that when it starts, a girl is able to conceive. This is not the case. During the first year of ovulation (egg maturation) are only a quarter of girls, as far as regular... Continue →